ROS2 Tutorial: Simple Gripper


The code for this section is located in arm_02 part of an archive. Note that archive includes some additional folders, like maps and worlds, that are used by all projects and therefore are located outside of them. Also note that we use ROS2 Galactic.

We are going to create a simple Gripper to attach to the end of our Robotic Arm. That includes:
Creating a model, using STL meshes.
Connecting elements of an arm (links) with joints and making sure it all moves the way we want.
Adding controllers.
Building a simple script that will make our robotic arm move.

Here is what it will look like:

Please note, that this section is (same as a previous section about robotic arm) incomplete. I ignore collision geometry (it will be done in one of the next sections), and therefore, grasping anything using this arm can be a problem. The reason is, in this section I am going to focus on visual appearance and on the control of the gripper.

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