ROS2 and Gazebo: Localization and Path Planning

Compiling and Running

We use different mode values (simple - slam - map) and accordingly, different RViz config files. Alltogether, it creates kind of a mess, but the logic is simple.

                    # Terminal 1
                    # echo $ROS_DISTRO
                    # galactic
                    # source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh
                    $ colcon build --packages-select multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ source install/setup.bash

                # To run a single robot without SLAM or Map (robot name in code is set to ""):
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:=src/maps/map.yaml keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/simple_single.rviz mode:=simple

                # To run a single robot simulation (SLAM) (robot name set to ""):
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:=src/maps/map.yaml keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/slam_single.rviz mode:=slam

                # To run a single robot simulation (Map) (robot name set to ""):
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:=src/maps/map.yaml keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/map_single.rviz mode:=map

                # To run a multi robot without SLAM or Map (robot name set to robot1, robot2). Do not
                # forget to uncomment code for multiple robots in the launch file, and to comment out
                # the code for a single robot with empty namespace:
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:=src/maps/map.yaml keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/simple_multi.rviz mode:=simple

                # To run a multi robot simulation (SLAM):
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:='src/maps/map.yaml' keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/slam_multi.rviz mode:=slam

                # To run a multi robot simulation (Map):
                $ ros2 launch multi_bot_nav_01 world:=src/worlds/maze_with_charger.sdf
                map:='src/maps/map.yaml' keepout_mask:=src/maps/keepout_mask.yaml
                rviz_config_file:=src/multi_bot_nav_01/rviz/map_multi.rviz mode:=map

To control robots manually:

                # Terminal 2
                $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh
                $ source install/setup.bash

                # To move a single robot
                # Single command:
                $ ros2 topic pub cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.5, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0,
                y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}'
                # Teleop tool:
                $ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

                # to move the robot in multi-robot launch, use one of the following
                # (you can use them simultaneously):
                $ ros2 topic pub /robot1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.5, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular:
                {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}'
                $ ros2 topic pub /robot2/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.5, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular:
                {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}'
                $ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --remap cmd_vel:=/robot1/cmd_vel
                $ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --remap cmd_vel:=/robot2/cmd_vel


Waypoints following and Docking to charger

These are for backward compatibility: we have our custom path planning and following, but Nav2 still works.

To run these scripts, Terminal 1 should have our launch file started with "mode" equal "map", either for single robot configuration (robot name set to "") or in multi robot configuration. Just to remind you: it can be changed by commenting / uncommenting the following lines in

                robots = [
                {'name': '', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': 0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                "color_name" : "Green", "color_rgb" : "0 1 0 1"},
                # {'name': 'robot1', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': 0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                # "color_name" : 'Yellow', "color_rgb" : "1 1 0 1"},
                # {'name': 'robot2', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': -0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                # "color_name" : 'Blue', "color_rgb" : "0 0 1 1"},

To run simple waypoint follower script for a single robot (robot name is ""):

                    # Terminal 3:
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh/src/multi_bot_nav_01/multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ python3

To run docker charging script for a single robot (robot name is ""):

                    # Terminal 3:
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh/src/multi_bot_nav_01/multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ python3

Finally, to run docker charging script on multiple (2) robots:

                    # Terminal 3:
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh/src/multi_bot_nav_01/multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ python3

Custom path planning and following

Same as earlier: to run these scripts, Terminal 1 should have our launch file started with "mode" equal "map", either for single robot configuration (robot name set to "") or in multi robot configuration. Just to remind you: it can be changed by commenting / uncommenting the following lines in

                robots = [
                {'name': '', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': 0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                "color_name" : "Green", "color_rgb" : "0 1 0 1"},
                # {'name': 'robot1', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': 0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                # "color_name" : 'Yellow', "color_rgb" : "1 1 0 1"},
                # {'name': 'robot2', 'x_pos': 0.0, 'y_pos': -0.5, 'z_pos': 0.01,
                # "color_name" : 'Blue', "color_rgb" : "0 0 1 1"},

To run path custom path planning and following with a single robot (robot name is ""):

                    # Terminal 3:
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh/src/multi_bot_nav_01/multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ source install/setup.bash
                    $ python3

To run path custom path planning and following with a multiple robots:

                    # Terminal 3:
                    $ cd ~/SnowCron/ros_projects/harsh/src/multi_bot_nav_01/multi_bot_nav_01
                    $ source install/setup.bash
                    $ python3

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