As you remember, in our earlier sections, we were able to move the robot around using keyboard. To do so, we need to start a new Terminal window:
$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
While that window has focus, we could make our robot move. To recreate this functionality in our new setup, we need (same as before) add the joint state publisher:
params = { 'use_sim_time': use_sim_time} joint_state_publisher_node = Node( package='joint_state_publisher', executable='joint_state_publisher', name='joint_state_publisher', parameters=[params], #condition=launch.conditions.UnlessCondition(LaunchConfiguration('gui')) ) ... # ... and call it: ld.add_action(joint_state_publisher_node)
We also need to add the following code to package.xml:
Note, that we do not have to uncomment (commented out in gazebo_control.xacro). I didn't try to investigate why it works, but the fact is, it does.