ROS2 Tutorial: Simple Gripper

Structure of a package

This package is based on arm_01 tutorial, robotic arm is almost unchanged, and gripper is added to it.
Let's take a look at the ovearll structure of our project.

                    $ tree
                    ├── arm_02
                    │   └──
                    ├── config
                    │   └── armA_controller.yaml
                    ├── description
                    │   ├── arm.urdf.xacro
                    │   ├── meshes
                    │   │   ├── armA
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_0.stl
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_1.stl
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_2.stl
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_3.stl
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_4.stl
                    │   │   │   ├── armA_5.stl
                    │   │   │   └── armA_6.stl
                    │   │   └── gripA
                    │   │       ├── gripA_0.stl
                    │   │       ├── gripA_L_1.stl
                    │   │       └── gripA_R_1.stl
                    │   └── xacro
                    │       ├── armA.bumper_config.xacro
                    │       ├── armA.gazebo_config_control.xacro
                    │       ├── armA.internal_config.xacro
                    │       ├── armA.transmission.xacro
                    │       ├── armA.xacro
                    │       └── gripA.xacro
                    ├── launch
                    │   └──
                    ├── package.xml
                    ├── resource
                    │   └── arm_02
                    ├── rviz
                    │   └── armA.rviz
                    ├── setup.cfg

As you can see, all we did was adding meshes and xacro file for gripper, and, of course, there are changes in files to use the new functionality.

As this project is based on a previous section (arm_01) I am not going to describe the purpose of each file: it was done earlier.

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